本题目来源于试卷: SME IB Physics Unit 4 Problems,类别为 IBDP Physics
A student is investigating s*3 nvb -lq,vq(oeej7 the interference of waves. 8 ttczu pbc4*ykq;5nneq01(u They set up coherent waves produced at po (by5;0*tpzu8kt4c qc1qen unints $\mathrm{S}$ and $\mathrm{T}$ and travel outwards in all directions. The line $X Y$ is halfway between $S$ and $T$ and perpendicular to the joining line $S$ and $T$. The distance $X Y$ is much greater than the distanceST. Which line or lines would an interference pattern be seen along?
A. WZ only
B. $X Y$ only
C. Both $X Y$ and WZ
D. Neither XY or WZ
参考答案: A