本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit27: Early Quantum Theory and Models of the Atom,类别为 Generic Physics
In a pair of accelerating j; 58 jiyr*9s yww xg3tcf(,2v /owxpiplates, such as found inside a CRs0584w-z c z:b( ln2epdp qsvbT, the electrons are emittevs0p5c4ndzl-8 2bs wq e:zb(pd
A. from the cathode which is positive, toward the anode which is positive.
B. from the cathode which is negative, toward the anode which is positive.
C. from the anode which is positive, toward the cathode which is negative.
D. from the anode which is negative, toward the cathode which is positive.
参考答案: B