本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit26: Special Theory of Relativity,类别为 Generic Physics
Consider two spaceships, eac3 )ee n;vah+dah travelingdzaq5jhb f e2ptrq0-n+y8 h+7 at 0.50c in a straight line. Ship A is moving directly away from the Sun and ship B is approaching the Sun. The science officers on each ship measure the velocity of light coh dq8pjf 2tyq+nz07+b5- aehr ming from the Sun. What do they measure for this velocity?
A. Ship A measures it as less than c, and ship B measures it as greater than c.
B. Ship B measures it as less than c, and ship A measures it as greater than c.
C. On both ships it is measured to be less than c.
D. On both ships it is measured to be exactly c.
参考答案: D