When a positronium atom (electron + positron) decays, it emi7cbaf31+xei+jl6/bpga o (vz1 weq2h ts two photons. Wh .t5uc*z0ww c w,eas*o;xnj)of ,:w8u*lci bl at are the energies of tzw .ww*cojxsa*uew8 uf:l)ltc, ;ob0i,5n * che photons?
A. 0.511 MeV and 1.022 MeV
B. 0.225 MeV and 0.285 MeV
C. 0.256 MeV and 0.256 MeV
D. 0.511 MeV and 0.511 MeV