本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit28: Quantum Mechanics of Atoms,类别为 Generic Physics
Suppose that the spe w:8 gqxp9rwr lycswj-.kv. 81ed o/zpk8g7rhu2:wbbv7 t f an electron traveling 2000 m/s is known to an accuracy oh2:wtbr7 bvk 87p/zgu f 1 part in $10^5$ (i.e., within 0.001%). What is the greatest possible accuracy within which we can determine the position of this electron?
A. $2.9 \; mm$
B. $5.8 \; mm$
C. $8.7 \; mm$
D. $1.2 \; cm$
参考答案: B