本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit33: Astrophysics and Cosmology,类别为 Generic Physics
The Schwarzschild radiusqjlmzgcuseg;b ;x0(;g2 (kr7 of a black hole isk52g v,:g)tojxy rzs 0 that radial distance from the center of a sphere within which not even light can escape. It wg:yo gj5zvtkr0x ),s2as first discovered mathematically by Schwarzschild in 1916 after Einstein published his general relativity theory. It can be calculated from a star's mass M as: $R = 2GM/c^2$. Take the radius of both stars A and B as the Schwarzschild radius. If the mass of star A is twice as much as the mass of star B, the average density of star A, compared to star B will be
A. the same.
B. twice as much.
C. half as much.
D. four times as much.
E. one-fourth as much.
参考答案: E