本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit8: Rotational Motion,类别为 Generic Physics
An ice skater has a moment of inerti -ndc)0srz dh)a o5 thu br9mosp7)9r2z:jqy z ios6 w,a8f $5.0 \; kgm^{2}$ when her arms are outstretched. At this time she is spinning at 3.0 revolutions per second (rps). If she pulls in her arms and decreases her moment of inertia to $2.0 \; kgm^{2}$, how fast will she be spinning?
A. $2.0 \; rps$
B. $3.3 \; rps$
C. $7.5 \; rps$
D. $10 \; rps$
参考答案: C