本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit32: Elementary Particles,类别为 Generic Physics
Suppose you were to try to create a proton-antipy(1usocsy. l8xgn8l*)mf o 1aroton pair by annihilaobey rz,kmb i)4jz*j52 t7pq2tion of a very high energy mqz zk7*5 t2pyj,)brjo4i e b2photon. The proton and the anti-proton have the same masses, but opposite charges. What energy photon would be required?
A. $1.022 \; MeV$
B. $1880 \; MeV$
C. $940 \; MeV$
D. $223 \; MeV$
参考答案: B