本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit30: Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity,类别为 Generic Physics
In radioactive dating, cq2uv ft8 :vezw2/uqgdh 8y- y9arbon-14 is often used. This nucleus emits a single bet/h 9:8zgq-8uud evftv y2wqy2 xn 5ir9 nebi (v5g itr,u b.no5ohj, hd8t970ca particle when i0 5on8uit(5ib,n5xn t, e9rgcrbh ov j9d.7 hit decays. When this happens, the resulting nucleus is
A. still carbon-14.
B. boron-14.
C. nitrogen-14.
D. carbon-15.
E. carbon-13.
参考答案: C