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PRACTICE:Physics Unit8: Rotational Motion

 Author: physicsPublish Date: 2022-12-13 12:30   Total Marks: 79 mks  Marks Awarded: _____________

User Name: No Login  Start Time: 22年07月27日 13:44  Switch to Whole-Paper Mode

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Angular displacement is usually express i3 4oblbl+hm5)dvy v /an units of

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Angular velocity is exprecv,n,/3sv.sxt +b ca lssed in units of

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Angular acceleration is expreipn1 2 (p)tglu 2go9 t.*f-t/w 6wkvxdcq3b bpssed in units of

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A boy and a girl are riding on a merry-go-round which9oz shq81ui,b/5zcpa jb0;r u is turning at a constant rate. The boy is near the outer edge, and the girl is closer to the center. Who has the gr5buqpjhc8s ,/ 9; riba zz0o1ueater angular displacement?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A boy and a girl are riding on a merry-go-roux p2l*6 .v4fcs 8q;tddifo+yo nd which is turning at a constant rate. The boy is near the i4qpxv8c+ *l yfsfd.6oo 2d;touter edge, and the girl is closer to the center. Who has the greater angular speed?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A boy and a girl are riding oni*n qvy; 2sw;ilg 22rh a merry-go-round which is turning at a constant rate. The boy is near the outer edge, and the girl is closer to the center. Who has the greater linear spihqr2;y wls; n 2*igv2eed?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A boy and a girl are riding a merry-go-round which is turning at a constant gv8fmw -yqqxf iat):n7//d; t u( o6dsrate. The boy is near the outer edge, while the girl is closer to the center. Who has the greater f;yx6 d tq- av(q:f/ o8)7igsw undtm/centripetal acceleration?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A boy and a girl are riding a merry-go-round which is turnir qr7;3zexxnvz3(b;b esb2; ang at a constant rate. The boy is near the outer edge, while the girl ;3xb vrbb7zer(z3a;x ne; s q2is closer to the center. Who has the greater tangential acceleration?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Consider a rigid body that is rotating. Whichr+ s6s.6q*o e9 milpir of the following is an accurate stateme ieorr i*6ss9p6q.+ mlnt?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Rolling without slipping depends fsd,4gprkcb6a , 2q)yw s7od5on

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Two equal forces are applied to a door. The first force is applied at2oy6 12rn ilct the midpoint of the door; the second force is applied at the doorknob. B22 oiclt1 r6ynoth forces are applied perpendicular to the door. Which force exerts the greater torque?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Two equal forces are applied to a door at the doork qbtk:e8b,g-rs)hw77k tw. qr nob. The first force is applied perpendicular to the doo:wsr8ret)-bk g,7qh tbq7w.kr; the second force is applied at $30^{\circ}$ to the plane of the door. Which force exerts the greater torque?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Two forces are applied to a doorkav2xk(,z*hoy ;hz ol* nob, perpendicular to the door. The first force is twice as large as the second force. The rat;vl* z2oo,ka hhy(x*z io of the torque of the first to the torque of the second is

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  What is the quantity used to measure an object's resistance to ch44 v v*/)cipfw oeowo(anges in rotatio/)4owivc*4 fovw( peon?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Consider two uniform solid spheres where both have o zk7:y8n1qz uo 6x0xkthe same diameter, but one has twice the mass of thek 1:x xu8 z0yo67nkzoq other. The ratio of the larger moment of inertia to that of the smaller moment of inertia is

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Two uniform solid spheres have thezo asa2vbh *:pb5tx4bflyqs/-) )w8u same mass, but one has twice the radius of the other. The ratio of the larger sphere's moment of inertia at4v)zs/)ohfb-bla* pq5us 2w:yxb8 to that of the smaller sphere is

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Consider two uniform solid sphv,cu xd0 15m yljpp3e4eres where one has twice the mass and twice the diameter of the other. The r0 dp1m5c,y lxup3jv4eatio of the larger moment of inertia to that of the smaller moment of inertia is

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A uniform solid sphere has mass M and radiu1n*vydtn: g 9ps R. If these are increased to 2M and 3R, what happenspg:t 1 dv*yn9n to the sphere's moment of inertia about a central axis?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  If a constant net torque is applied to an kawro -) (o-zmobject, that object will

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  The moment of inertijkl3c,2z /msgf0e f+va of a solid cylinder about its axis is given by 0.5 MR2. If thismz2+efk 3s,cf0l jvg/ cylinder rolls without slipping, the ratio of its rotational kinetic energy to its translational kinetic energy is

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Consider a motorcycl,b g ,jm8-6kvoe6cfgke of mass 150 kg, one wheel of which has a mass of 10 kg and a radius of 30 cm. What is the ratio of the rotationa-6 bkcfg,k ,g8ove mj6l kinetic energy of the wheels to the total translational kinetic energy of the bike? Assume the wheels are uniform disks.

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Suppose a solid sphere of mass M and radius R rolls without slippifgh0q imkjo a sm8y0cz(-( 5a;nn,no: ng down an inclined plane starting from rest. The linear velocity of the k azm f -n(c0jho80ia(g,sm y5q: nn;osphere at the bottom of the incline depends on

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Suppose a solid sphere of ma; zry/; tyag u+o95eks 4sd8mess M and radius R rolls without slipping down an inclined plane starting from rest. The anu;5dtgz;ys4o+m8 s ky reae/9 gular velocity of the sphere at the bottom of the incline depends on

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  "The total angular momentum of a system of particles c1*-quehx(ob n hanges when a net external force actn-b1q(he* uo xs on the system." This statement is

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  In what circumstancesui)jufjkqp*; */ic/d/y7c u j can the angular velocity of system of particles change without any change in the system'*)/uq*; upikuj / 7jcf/dyjic s angular momentum?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  The Earth orbits the Sun in an elliptical orbit. Ign+9ga:+ /qo(tlq cov omore any friction which may be present. What happens ovaom +olvg q(t 9/+:qcoer time to the Earth's angular momentum about the Sun?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  The Earth moves abourrjpjwx 67 7+azuzz j;+(3chit the Sun in an elliptical orbit. As the Earth moves close to the Sun, then which of the followiicz u6j3+jrj(aw pz77h zrx ;+ng best describes the orbiting speed of the Earth about the Sun?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  An ice skater performs a p ac;4/c6 jdfb;2no ;ojmyjw-;a3 najbirouette (a fast spin) by pulling in his outstretched arms close to his body. What happens to his angular momentum aboj;;cmaj ab2jycnd;;wbn46aoj3-f/ out the axis of rotation?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  An ice skater performsc x)p/o vpu j4g)j*ss6 a pirouette (a fast spin) by pulling in his outstretched arms close to his body. What happens to his rotational kinetic enervjsj6osc4x g/))p*u pgy about the axis of rotation?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  An ice skater performs a pirouette (a fnzm43ilexrffl t:47kz:rr6b 6 h-4idf: re: wast spin) by pulling in his outstretched arms close to his body. What happens to his moment of inertia about the axis of rhx4i3r:trfz4z l:ed w:ki4 67 f me fbl6r:nr-otation?

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Mark Problem
Free-Response ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
State the law of conservation of angular mo5e2dicp fw)q3mentum.
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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  What arc length does the Earth travel in a three month perj ,ub-mtb9v89j5 bz zqiod in its nearly circular orbit about9bbzb-9 5, mtvjzjqu8 the Sun with a radius of $1.5 \times 10^{11} \; m$?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  The second hand of a clock has a length of 0.30 m. What distance does thef+b5 m eeq* 2c/u:efm *or t+*cjj2kbj tip of the scb/cj*q5+:mu tkej 2ojrf*e f bm2e*+econd hand sweep through in 3 minutes and 45 seconds?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  How many rad/s is 25 revolutions per minute e,d 0a1hqz:cm qquivalent to?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A bicycle wheel rotates uniformly through 2.0 revolujnbd/ w/l tmc sn*r(5(tions in 4.0 s. What is the frequency of thew(n/5bsdcjt lrm(n /* wheel's rotation?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A pulsar (a rotating neutron star) emi 61lt:vob crbs mtofgz3r-3/ +ts pulses at a frequency of 0.40 kHz. The period of its rotatigt mv -oc+rb6/ol tbz :r13sf3on is

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A phonograph record rotates at 45 rpm. Through what angle does it tuu1 -yl*/x xod cvwxu b+z6n1*yrn in 0.20 s?d1l zx x-y6xyub/wc1o*v* n+ u

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel of diameter 26 cm turns at 1500 rpm. How far will a point on2e(3lixrhs, ,8anies the outer rim move ii,rsl hax32,snei 8 e(n 2.1 s?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A bicycle wheel rotates uniformly through 2.0 revolutions in 4.0 s. Whaaupwf0,llp0gc 5u vri2+4yn-+m au/ qt is the av/yagnul4+r fui w -q0 5 20ulp,m+pacverage angular speed of the wheel?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A bicycle wheel rotates unif6cbbpoz4fq- ,sk0 n) lormly through 2.0 revolutions in 4.0 s. What is the sop ln,b)6z 4fcq0-kblinear speed of a point 0.10 m from the center of the wheel?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A cable car at a ski resort carries skierslltyj bq2 /ueleo22 a,wi5c3pm2u9f-fe i 6 q- a distance of 6.8 km. The cable which moves the car is2am3l9 q-leiey22lwi- ojp uf,6qe25 t/fb cu driven by a pulley with diameter 3.0 m. Assuming no slippage, how fast must the pulley rotate for the cable car to make the trip in 12 minutes?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel of radius 1.0 m is)i2rtvzq1-* q)svay s rotating with a constant angular speed of 2.0 rad/s. What is the linear speed of a) 2q) isz*rvysav-t q1 point on the wheel's rim?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  The cutting cord on azf;;i: k 0sq8ogz lq dx eci 2rpkcx6:rt.7)/l gas-powered weed cutter is 0.16 m in length. If the motor rotates at the rate of 20 rev/s, what is the approximate lge:8rx0 kl 7i ;zti q lspx:cf)6.rkd2coq; z/inear speed of the end of the cord?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel of radius 1.0 m is rotating with a constant angular speed of 2.0 ra8vccrbx0n :c:d/s. Wcxn0:bcc 8rv:hat is the centripetal acceleration of a point on the wheel's rim?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  What is the centripetal acceleration o kna:kv1l5ik- f a point on the perimeter of a bicycle wheel o 51vnakl-kik: f diameter 70.0 cm when the bike is moving 8.00 m/s?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  How many revolutions per minute (rpm) must a circular, )kjd jw.il0:j rotating space station (r = 1000 m) rotate to djk 0:j )j.iwlproduce an artificial gravity of $9.80 \; m/s^2$?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A car is negotiating a flat circular curve of raf w(.vpxf 8+v.pjb/x0gbv go;dius 50 m with a speed of 20 m/s. The maximum centripetal force (provid+b/ gxp.w0f;gof8xbvv pjv(.ed by static friction) is $1.2 \times 10^{4} \; N$. What is the centripetal acceleration of the car?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A car is negotiating a flat circularc5j 2 +fomu+vw curve of radius 50 m with a speed of 20 m/s. Tv2fo+wj 5c+ umhe maximum centripetal force (provided by static friction) is $1.2 \times 10^{4} \; N$. What is the mass of the car?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A 0.300-kg mass, attached to the end of a 0.750-m hzto/v0 3 ciq:string, is whirled around in a smooth level table. If the maximum tension that the string/ vth :co03zqi can withstand is 250 N, then what maximum linear speed can the mass have if the string is not to break?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Fill-in-Blank ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A bowling ball of mass 7.5 kg and radius 9.0 cm rolls without slipping 10 m downrgh/a4sk ioh4)76fxr a lanh/ r6k4s)fao 4grxi7h e at 4.3 m/s.
(a) Calculate the angular displacement of the bowling ball.   rad ( fill in numbers only)
(b) Calculate the angular velocity of the bowling ball   rad/s ( fill in numbers only)
(c) Calculate the radial acceleration of the bowling ball    $m/s^2$ ( fill in numbers only)
(d) Calculate the tangential acceleration of the bowling ball    $m/s^2$ ( fill in numbers only)

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel accelerates with a constant angular accel;k)b;vo l8tpy9 pxpxnm48c,eeration of $4.5 rad/s^2$. If the initial angular velocity is 1.0 rad/s, what is the angle the wheel rotates through in 2.0 s?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel accelerates with a constant angular accelepg3b7ky01oyzus5;k i ration of $4.5 rad/s^2$. If the initial angular velocity is 1.0 rad/s, what is the angular velocity at t = 2.0 s?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  How many radians does a 0.300-m bx.d, 5yycdg 0radius automobile tire rotate after starting from rest and accelerating at a constant angular accele x0d.5cd y,ybgration of $2.00 \; rad/s^2$ over a 5.00-s interval?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel starts at rest, and has an angular acceleratio5a : c-oq3xlxd9vvg: fn of $4 \; rad/s^2$. Through what angle does it turn in 3.0 s?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A Ferris wheel rotating atwwu i* i24lf*s 20 rad/s decelerates with a constant angular acceleration offis4iwl2 *wu* $-5.0 \; rad/s^2$. How many revolutions does it rotate before coming to rest?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel starts from rest and reaches an angular speed of 6.0 rad/s while turniwsmz,y9h(p wp)(d) yf ng through 2.0 revolutionspfw(ymh,s9z y))p ( dw. What is the average angular acceleration of the wheel?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel of diameter of 68.0 cm slows down uniformly from 8.40 m/s to restprv eg2 qpp8,9 kvm68f over a distance of 115 m. What is the total number of revolutions tpgm86 89p rvv2, pkfqehe wheel rotates in coming to rest?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel of diameter of 68.0 cm slows down uniformly galf:e5 - fs)hku/u8a from 8.40 m/s to rest over a distance of 115:ha asu/fl k8f e)u5-g m. What is the angular acceleration?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel of diameter of 68.0 cm slows down uniformly from 8.40 m/s to r9v af(*xmplkqaq u) ;8est over a distance of 115luf(qq) m8 vx;*pa 9ak m. How long does it take for the wheel to come to the stop?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Fill-in-Blank ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A centrifuge in a medical laboratory rotates 5cr.y4; ;qec-rdjgml at a rotational speed of 3600 rev/min. When switched off, it rotates 50.0 times at a constant angular acceleration before coming-rcrmq4;yjg .;le c5d to rest.
(a) Determine the initial angular speed of the centrifuge.    $rad/s$
(b) Determine the angle (in radians) through which the centrifuge rotates before coming to rest.    $rad$
(c) Calculate the constant angular acceleration of the centrifuge.    $rad/s^2$
(d) Calculate the time necessary for the centrifuge to come to rest.    $s$

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  The bolts on a car wheel require tightening i*/vahv 4 k0xh+ u6tgewp2r 0xto a torque of 90 Nm. If a 30 cm long wrench is used, what is the magnitude of the force required when the force applied ath6gxeuita vhw0 v+24/pk *0rx $53^{\circ}$ to the wrench?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel with moment of iner*.e .6h a0fcxyabl(cstia $3.00 kgm^{2}$ has a net torque of 3.50 Nm applied to it. What angular acceleration does it experience?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A triatomic molecule is modeled as follows: mass m is a xpatp f73s38/ +kz8ugoc6oddt the origin, mass 2m is at x = a, anduxf ptck3/688o o+ paz gs7d3d, mass 3m is at x = 2a. What is the moment of inertia about the origin?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A solid cylinder of mas/)cc 6keo+ ngss 10 kg is pivoted about a frictionless axis thought the center O. A rope wrapped around the outer radius R1 = 1.0 m, exerts a force F1 = 5.0 N to the right. A second rope wrapped around another section of radius R2 = 0.50 m exerts a force F2 = 6.0 N downward. (See Fig. below) What is the angular acgs+e6k )o/ nccceleration of the cylinder?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A solid cylinder of mass 10 kg is pivoted about a frictionless axis thought thdcl38 mw mw z7jp:m)s(e center O. A rope wrapped around the outer radius R1 = 1.0 m, exerts a force F1 = 5.0 N to the right. A second rope wrapped around another section of radius R2 = 0.50 m exerts a force F2 = 6.0 N downward. How many radians does the cylinder rotate through in the firstmmjwc(zm8lpwd: 3 s7) 5.0 seconds, if it starts from rest?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A 4.00-m long rod is hinged at or/j zbnubx /q712m +e/xesk8dne end. The rod is initially held in the horizontal position, and then released as the free end is allowed to fall. What is the angular acceleration as it is released? (The moment of inertia of a rod about q7b1e8x/ krmz / s/+2 deubnxjone end is ML2/3.)

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  Consider a bicycle wheel to be a ring of radcc2 3umj+wdyn7 h j 8b.5y(tgpius 30 cm and mass 1.5 kg. Neglect the mass of the axle and sprocket. If a force of 20 N is applied tangentially to a sprocket of radius 4.0 dwjc8jnu(. ych3+725 gmbypt cm for 4.1 s, what linear speed does the wheel achieve, assuming it rolls without slipping?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A 1.53-kg mass hangs on a rope wrajbt2v,xwwjik)9il9- y (dj q)pped around a frictionless disk pulley of mass 7.0,jvwx(ii-)l2jjd y k9 )b9wqt 7 kg and radius 66.0 cm. What is the angular acceleration of the pulley?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A 1.53-kg mass hangs on a rope wrapped around a vono)1ep eyz 7qn ,)n, oub*2zfrictionless disk pulley of mass 7 7oezy,nz) b qo,e )vun2n*p1o.07 kg and radius 66.0 cm. What is the acceleration of the mass?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A rotating flywheel can be used to storewjj8 dt -,hj7g vym,*h energy. If it is required to store $1.00 \times 10^{6} \; J$ of energy when rotating at 400 rad/s, what is the moment of inertial of the wheel in $kgm^{2}$?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A wheel of moment of inp kc*w0lhg--pertia of $5.00 \; kgm^{2}$ starts from rest and accelerates under a constant torque of 3.00 Nm for 8.00 s. What is the wheel's rotational kinetic energy at the end of 8.00 s?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A solid sphere of mass 1.0 kg and radiusk 5zhaxw (v.ihu37clei nn;xtn g7203 0.010 m starts from rest and rolls without slipping down a 1.0-m high inclined plane. What is the speed of the sphere when it reaches the b33 en0z liw77k2huxci a5n(xhg;. tvnottom of the inclined plane?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A solid sphere of mass e) s q+-j2v-. tflmcqw1.0 kg and radius 0.010 m rolls with a speed of 10 m/s. How high up an inclined plane can it climbt+jm -)2 qs ceqw.-vlf before coming to rest?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A hoop of radius 0.50 m and a mas/fl b36;a, l md4 (k,pkjbcpdgs of 0.20 kg is released from rest and allowed to roll down an inclined plane. How fast is it moving after droppingkd,pd lpm b(fg6 /l3;b,4kcaj a vertical distance of 3.0 m?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Free-Response ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
A solid sphere of mass 1.5 kg amoy-j*; p( n+)wkftz m0bs2vw nd radius 15 cm rolls without slipping down a 35e incline that is 7.0 m long. Assume it started from rest. The moment of inertia of a sphere is given by ( m0b+j sz wvkm -tywop2*fn);$I = (2/5)MR^2$.
(a) Calculate the linear speed of the sphere when it reaches the bottom of the incline.
(b) Determine the angular speed of the sphere at the bottom of the incline.
(c) Does the linear speed depend on the radius or mass of the sphere? Does the angular speed depend on the radius or mass of the sphere?
Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  An object's angular momentum chatf7;qz5gx r nckn1vw6 -d9uchye; x 06nges by $20 \; kgm^{2}/s$ in 4.0 s. What magnitude average torque acted on this object?

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Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A proton of mass $1.67 \times 10^{-27} \; kg$ rotates with an angular speed of 2 x 106 rad/s in a circle of radius 0.80 m in a cyclotron. What is the orbital angular momentum of the proton?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  An ice skater has a moment ovnvlp y8x 8e *4ry7obd c5*qg)f inertia of $5.0 \; kgm^{2}$ when her arms are outstretched. At this time she is spinning at 3.0 revolutions per second (rps). If she pulls in her arms and decreases her moment of inertia to $2.0 \; kgm^{2}$, how fast will she be spinning?

Correct Answer:    

Mark Problem
Single-Choice ( 1.0 marks) Whole-Paper View Save Problem  
  A figure skater rotating at 5.00 rad/s with arms extended has a moments,2a/fr i vy vs0,hl(v of inertiavysl /2h,0sf(,vravi of
$2.25 \; kgm^{2}$. If the arms are pulled in so the moment of inertia decreases to $1.80 \; kgm^{2}$, what is the final angular speed?

Correct Answer:    

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